Indigofera , belonging to family Fabaceae, is a popular plant used by humans since ages for extraction of the blue dye Indigo. The plant is believed to be used in Egyptian mummies before 4000 years. The dye is obtained from its leaves.
Morphology: Indigo is an erect, profusely branched herb which grows up to 2 meters. Leaves are pinnately compound, 9-13 leaflets opposite, elliptic, base and apex rounded. Inflorescence is raceme, flowers reddish, standard, wing and keel petals present, fruit is a pod, maximum 12 seeds are found in a pod.
Habitat: Widely cultivated.
1. Main source of Indigo dye, which is called 'King of dyes'
2. It is used aa green manure in coffee plantations.
3. It is used as tooth brush.
4. Leaf extract is used to cure burns and wounds of horses, cattle and sheep.
5. Root is used for tooth ache.
6. Antidote for snake bite, scorpion bite etc.
7. Tanzanians use it for syphilis and gonorrhoea.
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