Sunday, November 13, 2011


Eugenics: meaning "well born" or "good birth" relates to measures to select/change/improve/discard a genotype/phenotype of an offspring in order to improve the line. It can be divided into negative and positive eugenics. Individuals can trigger negative and positive eugenic measures (personal Eugenics) or measures can be forced in different degrees onto the individual 
Negative Eugenics: preventing the births of children, with characteristics (genotypes/phenotypes) viewed as unhealthy or undesirable or preventing child bearing by "undesirable" individuals.
Positive Eugenics: producing genetically enhanced children, giving them genetic characteristics (genotypes) they ordinarily would not be born with, and encouraging desirable individuals to bear more children.

: Measures to improve the environment in order to improve health, appearance, behavior, or well-being of society.
Euphenics: Measures to improve the individual or phenotype (the body) by biological or medical means.

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